Could Constipation be due to food sensitivities?

Many people think constipation is mainly due to diet, not having enough water or fibre in their diet, having too much fat or not enough fresh fruit and vegetables.

My experience has taught me that yes, it can be all of those things. It can also be due to food sensitivities. Many people suffer from constipation when they consume gluten, dairy, eggs and even salicylates. Salicylates are a food chemical found in fruit and vegetables as well as nuts, seeds, spices and oils. A diet rich in salicylates is considered a healthy diet, but if you have a salicylate sensitivity, then consuming these foods can cause diarrhea, constipation, asthma, skin conditions and many other symptoms.

There is also an emotional factor to chronic constipation. Stress, busy lifestyle, no routine and eating on the run can all contribute as well. 

On an energetic level constipation signifies not letting go or a desire to have control. It is common to have constipation when people go through break up, change their jobs or move to a different place.

Can chronic constipation ever be cured?

Today I treated someone with chronic constipation. It comes and goes at times at different times in her life. She has a very balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables. Hardly any dairy or gluten and her diet has been the same yet she’s been constipated for the past 3 days.

The first thing I got through my testing is that she is dehydrated. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t drink plenty of water as she drinks around 3 litres of water a day. 

The question is, how much of that water is being absorbed?

Her large intestine, pineal gland and thyroid gland showed that she isn’t absorbing water properly and that she’s dehydrated especially in those areas.

I questioned why this has occurred and I got that she’s been feeling lonely and unsupported which has contributed to dehydration as everything is connected. When I say I questioned, I don’t mean I literally questioned the client. The client was sleeping when I did the treatment and I use muscle testing to tap into what is happening for the client on a subconscious level.

I extracted everything that was causing her to feel lonely and unsupported and checked in with her body to see if it was willing to feel supported and if there was anything blockages or sabotages preventing her from feeling that way.

I got that there was a sabotage pattern that prevented her bowels from opening. The sabotage was held in her aura in her emotional body. I got that she doesn’t feel confident in her ability to create her world because she’s feeling insecure. I looked into that feeling of insecurity and where it was coming from and I imprinted trust and also that she knows what it feels like to feel confident in creating her future.

Often I want to get more of the story. Why is my client feeling this way? What event has caused these symptoms? Was it created at a certain age?

I check to see what information I need and I don’t get caught up in wanting more details to fill in the gaps for the story. Once I get that I have enough information to successfully clear what came up, then I follow the energy and follow the healing protocol. 

I find it fascinating how we are all so different and even if we have similar symptoms, they can have different causes. I think the holistic approach is the one that gives long lasting results as it looks at the individual, their needs and their difficulties and not just their symptoms.

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