Relief From Your Salicylate Sensitivity Symptoms Has Never Been Closer

Most people aren’t aware of what salicylates intolerance symptoms are. The reality is the symptoms can be so broad.

Nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to salicylates.

Salicylate Intolerance – Long List of Symptoms

I have treated people with tinnitus, insomnia, rashes, itchy skin, foggy head, recurrent urinary tract infection, asthma, sinus problems, aches and pains and digestive complaints who all had a sensitivity to salicylates.

Does Salicylate Sensitivity Blood Test Recommended?

You can’t really get a blood test for salicylate sensitivity as it is an intolerance and usually the effects of salicylate exposure accumulates in the body.

Trying a Salicylate Free Diet

Some people can get away with having a bit of salicylates when they have a salad with tomato and cucumber for example but when they have berries or avocado on top of the salad, they react.

It is hard to pinpoint whether one’s symptoms are related to salicylate sensitivity or not, but if you suspect you have a salicylate intolerance then you can go on a salicylate free diet and see if you’re symptoms go away.

Since salicylates are in almost everything, it is so hard to go on a salicylate free diet long term which is why I suggest the salicylate sensitivity treatment. After the treatment you will need to minimise exposure to salicylates for 24 hours, but then you could reintroduce them back into your diet without experiencing the symptoms or have them to a much lessened degree.

salicylate sensitivity symptoms relief
” One treatment was sufficient for her to feel that she got her life back. How exciting is that! “

Exciting Study Case

Distant Healing for Salicylate Intolerance

I recently treated a lady from the UK who couldn’t eat out because of her intolerance to salicylates. She booked a cruise and was terrified that she won’t have anything to eat while on it.

She contacted me in desperation and she was willing to try remote distance healing even though she’s never heard of it before.

She would be covered in welts every time she was exposed to salicylates and then they would take a few days to disappear. She was getting the welts on her face as well which made her feel self conscious.

So… Does This Salicylate Sensitivity Treatment Really Work ?

After only one salicylate sensitivity treatment, she was able to slowly introduce salicylates back into her diet and she ended up going on the cruise and ate freely with little hesitation and noticed a massive improvement.

One treatment was sufficient for her to feel that she got her life back. How exciting is that! I love what I do! Especially when people come to see me after they think they have tried everything.

Are You in The Search for Salicylate Intolerance Treatment?

Salicylate intolerance treatment does exist and reading this blog means you have found me. I think the hardest part is to get the right information. Once you know what is causing your symptoms and you know that salicylate sensitivity treatment is available to you no matter where you are in the world – relief from your symptoms has never been closer!

If you’re ready to see a change in your health and you are fed up with your symptoms, then all you need to do is contact me. I am here to help.

Tomaya Weiser

My name is Tomaya Weiser and I am a qualified Acupuncturist with a Bachelor of Health Science from the Australian College of Natural Medicine. I am also a certified practitioner of IPEC, Theta healing, Pranic healing and Kinesiology.

Request your FREE online consultation today


Lauren, Washington state, USA

Tomaya's method of healing has produced amazing results. I was having debilitating reactions to a variety of foods at almost every meal before working with Tomaya. Since Tomaya's treatments, I have been able to enjoy foods containing salicylates, amines, and dairy again, with no reaction. I experienced significant improvement after the first session. Her approach is gentle, yet effective. I am grateful that I found her!   Lauren, Washington state, USA

Deb, Gold Coast

Hi Tomaya, you treated my little girl many years ago for allergies and asthma. She only needed the one treatment for salicylates and she has been free of issues since, so thank you!


Deb, Gold Coast

Mor Stern, Israel

There is no other way to describe this other than Magic. At first, I couldn't get myself to believe that distant healing can work, but apparently it's worth trying new things. Before I started these treatments, I had a sensitive bowel. I had symptoms like bloating, heaviness and stomach pain after eating and after just 3 treatments, I'm feeling significantly better. The bloating has gone down, the heaviness is barely there and the stomach pains are a lot better. I have been treated for salicylates and Tomaya also worked on my digestive system. I strongly recommend to keep an open mind and try this therapy.


Mor Stern, Israel

Ms Susan C., Brisbane

After avoiding dairy for years, I now have the occasional splurge and don’t need to be looking for the nearest toilets. Thank you.


Ms Susan C., Brisbane

Hagar Oz, Rehovot, Israel

My physical and emotional health have improved dramatically since you started treating me. I have been suffering from Colitis and its not very pleasant associated symptoms. The treatments from far totally work! My problems are disappearing and I know this is a journey and there is a lot to treat, but I’m filled with excitement at the possibility of healing entirely. I can’t recommend you enough! Thank you!!!


Hagar Oz, Rehovot, Israel

Quentin Burr, Brisbane

Having had a major flare up of ulcerative colitis in Aug 2015, which resulted in 12 days in hospital and 2.5 months of some very strong conventional drugs (Oral and infusion) I was only progressing very slowly.My specialist was strongly suggesting removal of the large intestine, so I looked for alternatives. We remembered having had great success with treating my son's eczema with Tomaya from Allergy Field. After the first treatment I noticed a significant improvement in symptoms and it got even better after the second treatment. This was backed by having had two sigmoidoscopys (Either side of Tomaya's treatment). The specialist stated after the first one there was " serious ulcerative colitis" and one month after, second test "mild inflammation, no signs of ulcers or bleeding". Between the scopes I had two treatments with Tomaya and I believe this has had a huge effect on my symptoms. Thank you!!


Quentin Burr, Brisbane

Pietro Dimascio – UK

Surprised and happy to find I felt greatly improved the following day- despite my being skeptical about the treatment. I haven’t changed anything else in my diet or my environment and 10 days later, I am pretty much symptom free. Thank you.


Pietro Dimascio – UK

Bilambil NSW Australia

My 6 year old son has been complaining of severe stomach pains after eating. We’ve been to several specialists, but they couldn’t find anything. His pains are completely gone after one treatment. Thank you.


Bilambil NSW Australia

H.L Tweed Shire

After avoiding dairy for years, I now have the occasional splurge and don’t need to be looking for the nearest toilets. Thank you.

Ms Susan C., Brisbane

Moran Oresh, Petah Tikva, Israel

My daughter has had severe diarrhea from a very young age. She also gets red spots around her mouth and she throws up occasionally after food. I tried to eliminate what I thought was causing her symptoms, ut didn't have much luck. We had one treatment with Tomaya done via distance 2 months ago and there has been no diarrhea or skin rashes around her mouth since.

Moran Oresh, Petah Tikva, Israel