“I used to take it to heart if others didn’t believe in my dream as much as I did, but then I realised it only made me more strong willed to prove to them that it was possible to combine my love for helping others and travel.”

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I think dreams are there to be shared, right?

I so often get inspired by other people’s visions and dreams and I find that I don’t share mine.

Dreams are there to be shared, right?


Why do we find it so hard to share our dreams with the world?

⇒ Is it because we feel that others might bring us back to reality and tell us to stop dreaming?

⇒ Are we scared that people who are close to us would tell us that what we dream of isn’t possible?

⇒ Do we feel that once we share it, it’s not ours anymore and someone else might take it from us, or an even scarier thought…

⇒ We might actually have to go through with it and pursue our dream after we share it with the world.

I often haven’t shared my dreams because they’re big and they seem unrealistic. I have had a dream of travelling the world while offering distance healing to people regardless of where they physically are.

When I shared that dream 12 years ago with close friends and family, I didn’t get much support as they didn’t believe that distant healing can work and that people would be willing to send me money for me to heal them without ever meeting me.

Fair enough, right? They raised some valid concerns.

The thing is, I didn’t let their words of discouragement stop me and I kept doing what I love and telling random people what it is that I do, even if I got a raised eyebrow or two in response.

I used to take it to heart if others didn’t believe in my dream as much as I did, but then I realised it only made me more strong willed to prove to them that it was possible to combine my love for helping others and travel.

I have been travelling continuously for the past 5 years and treating others while I travel. There are downsides to this lifestyle, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

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The dream that I wanted to share with you today is a different one.

Since I got Bodyconnect Healing world recognised and I have been teaching it in a few different locations, I have been wanting to offer free courses to women of less fortunate communities.

I find that the women of Guatemala are very open to distant healing and they have had amazing results with my treatments. An average family living outside of the city makes $4 per day, so it goes without saying that I never charged my clients from Guatemala.

women of Lake Atitlan
Lake Atitlan, Guatemala – Such a pretty place, right?

They believe strongly in traditional and energetic medicine and are so receptive to remote healing.

My latest client has had palpitations and insomnia for over 10 years on a daily basis and she has been symptom free since her last treatment with me which was over 2 months ago. How amazing is that?

My dream is to teach the rural women of Guatemala Bodyconnect Healing, so they can help others and have a profession that will allow them to provide for their families.

So often women in rural areas don’t get proper education and end up cleaning houses, cooking or washing clothes for others (washing machines are hard to come by in Guatemala). I wish to give them an alternative to that if they wish to change their current circumstances.

I have been studying Spanish for nearly a year and I really hope that the day I could teach these women how to do distant healing in Spanish is getting closer and closer.

I have been invited to come and stay around Lake Atitlan and teach the women there and I can’t wait for that to happen and for me to share my journey with you.

What are your dreams? If money and time weren’t a factor, what would you choose to do for a living?

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